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Ward One Community Health Initiative

Ward One Community Health Initiative is  a part of a national community health initiative to promote Healthy Eating Active Living.


HEAL Cleveland - promotes Healthy Eating Active Living by presenting health experts, healthy food sampling, teaching that community health starts by making the healthy choice the easy choice when eating and being physically active.


Community Gardening Program - provides an experience growing nutritious food for garden participants and the pleasure of giving back by sharing the harvest with five of our Ward 1 community food banks.  Our program currently has ten garden site locations.  Our garden participants are really enjoying their gardens and some are currently harvesting and providing food for our Ward 1 Food Banks.


Seeds for Seniors -  distributes excess seeds purchased for our Community Gardens to home gardeners for our seniors.  This allows them fresh vegetables at their homes.


Walking Groups or Clubs -  Everyone is encouraged to start walking groups or clubs with their neighbors, street club, youth, seniors or employees of our businesses.  Keep track of your steps, mileage or minutes walked individually or by group.  Walking Group starter packets are available upon request with Group Organizer guidelines and walking.


Safe Routes to School -  works with our Ward 1 schools to engage students in activities focused on improving safety for school travel while encouraging students to walk or bicycle to school.  Parents, students, and concerned residents participate in improving our youth’s overall fitness and making our community a safer environment.


For more information, please call (216) 991-8585 







This program consists of five components: Housing Code Enforcement, Neighborhood Safety, Commercial Revitalization, Community Relations and Environment Preservation.


Services include: Referrals for Home Maintenance Energy Conservation, Educational Workshops, and Community Leadership Development.


For more information, please contact us at Harvard Community Services Center (216) 991-8585.





The Cleveland Foodbank supplies a majority of the food used in local hot meal sites, shelters, and food pantries.  In addition, we provide food to child centers, group homes, and programs for the elderly.  The Food bank works closely with other Northeast Ohio hunger relief organizations, providing food and nonfood products to hunger center administered by the Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland, the Catholic Hunger and Shelter Network, and the Salvation Army, among others.


Our History:  In 1979, a group of civic-minded individuals joined together to create the Cleveland Foodbank, an innovative method for confronting the critical issue of hunger in our community.  Some of these people represented the food industry and expressed concern about the large amount of nutritious food going to waste each day.  Others stood on the front lines in the fight against hunger and worried about the limited supply of food available to feed the hungry.


Working together, these individuals resolved that a single clearinghouse could solicit, collect, sort, and distribute food in a more efficient manner, ensuring improved operations for local charities in the Greater Cleveland area.  The Cleveland Foodbank was incorporated to serve as a resource for both food industry donors and local charities feeding the hungry.


In the Foodbank’s first year of operation, the organization distributed 400,000 pounds of food to 100 local hunger relief organizations.  In the past year the Cleveland foodbank distributed 27.3 million pounds of food and other essential products to 456 member agencies.  This was enough food for our member agencies to serve over 21.3 million meals for individuals in need in our community.


For more information, please call (216) 991-8585 ext. 3123.






Before and After School-Educational Enhancement Program


Offers tutoring, homework, reports, math, science, and proficiency test preparation to help students advance in school. 


Transportation is available to and from select schools, from the Harvard Community Services Center, Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.


For more information please call (216) 991-8585 ext. 3109.



Summer Child Care Program


Summer Day Camp is held during the summer months when school is not in session. Camp is for children ages 5-13 years old.


The hours are from 9am-4pm, with extended hours offered, Monday thru Friday.  There is a fee for day camp.


For more information, please call (216) 991-8585 ext. 3109.



School Recess Program


This is a special service to working parents.  The Center provides supervision for children in grades kindergarten through sixth grade.


The program is available for a reasonable fee.  Young students are involved in meaningful activities when schools are closed for holiday recesses in winter and spring breaks.


For more information, please call (216) 991-8585.



Suspension Program


This program is a partnership with schools and community to offer positive learning alternatives for ‘youth under suspension’.


Youth are assigned to report to the Harvard Community Services Center during suspension from school.  The students participate in supervised programs that focus on resolving conflicts, learning alternatives, tutoring, building positive self-esteem and the importance of education.


For more information, please call (216) 991-8585.






Community Based Services Integrated System of Care


Programs within  the System of Care Network at the Harvard Community Services Center include Foster Adoption Support Services, and Kinship Care Support Services.


Foster Adoption Support Services, and Kinship Care Support Services target adults caring for their grandchild, nieces or nephews,

brothers or sisters, or other minor age relatives.


For more information, please (216) 991-8585 ext. 3110.


Tapestry takes a family-centered, team approach to serving children with multiple needs. The Tapestry team looks at the strengths within a family that can serve as the foundation for service to children in need and their families.



Wrap-Around Services


If the family needs a more intensive service:


High-Fidelity Wraparound – Cuyahoga Tapestry System of Care takes a family-centered, team approach to serving children with multiple needs.  Rather than look at what is “wrong” with a family, the family and team look at the family’s strengths and take action based on those strengths. 


It is a process that respects children, parents, caregivers and families, and is sensitive to the family’s culture, language and community.  It also values the importance of social networks, “natural” supports, the faith community and neighborhoods.


For more information, please call (216) 991-8585.



Intergenerational Program


The goals and objects of the Intergenerational Program (Genesis) are first, to service the community by addressing the social needs and issues facing our seniors and youth.


Second, to bring the generations together to learn from each other and serve one another.  And finally, to improve relationships, increase self-esteem, reduce stereotypes and encourage mutual respect.


For more information, please call (216) 991-8585.





The Senior Connection program is for active adults, 60 and over, who are able to basically live independent lifestyles.  We have an extensive referral list for t hose seniors who require personal or skilled care such as dispensing medications and assisting with other health challenges. These meals are offered Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.


Congregate Meals - Seniors are encouraged to come to our Center for lunch and socialization.  Healthy lunches are provided and diabetic meals are available upon request.


Socialization Seniors - come and socialize with other seniors.  They play various games like Bingo, and a dominos, and a variety of card games.  Other activities include arts and crafts, exercise, book clubs, bible study, dancing and more.  The Senior Connection also takes trips. A few of the previous outings include John F. Kennedy Recreation Center, Camp Forbes, and Amish Country.


Home Delivered Meals - Some of our participants are homebound, ill, immobile or have no one to cook for them.  Our Meals On Wheels program delivers meals to eligible seniors Monday thru Friday.  Eligibility is determined by an in-home assessment.  Diabetic meals are also available from Meals on Wheels.


For more information, or to participate in the Senior Connection, please call (216) 991-8585.


Harvard Hands On


*Participants will engage in Wrap Around Services programming to develop new problem solving skills and mobilize their personal support networks to enrich family operations and remove barriers to workplace entry.  


*Participants will receive individualized GED Preparation Assessments and combined group level and customized training and education essential to the successful passage of the GED Examination.  


*Participants will be able to demonstrate and apply Hands On Job readiness and search skills.


*Participants will gain and apply financial literacy education to their own practices of personal and household management.


*Participants will gain information Technologies skills across the fields of Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as well as Internet for ready application to the workplace.


*Participants will utilize the applied Hands On job search skills to obtain gainful employment.


*Participants will utilize the Harvard Hands On Program’s Wrap Around, Workforce Readiness and Job Search, Information Technologies, Financial Literacy education to evidence improved self-sufficiency and family operations .

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Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm




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